
Saturday, June 29, 2013

a Butterfly

“Life is short. If you doubt me, ask a butterfly. Their average life span is a mere five to fourteen days.”--Ellen DeGeneres 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Between Dream and Reality

I know that I'm a sleepyhead but... I can't understand why does every single dream seem so real for me.

This morning, I woke up by a super big question tag in my head. I couldn't drive before, so why I though that I've ever drove a car? 

I always feel that I've ever drove a car but when I looked back on several years ago, I just took my driving course and I fail. So this is something impossible that I've ever drove a car.

Well, sometimes I can't distinguish between dream and reality.

Is it a kind of De Javu or something???? If you know what kind of phenomenon is this, please kindly tell me 



Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Next Chapter: IHS

As I said before, I'm attending college right now. And my college is IHS Well, it is not officially a college but... I think, it's kinda look like an academy? 

But, who cares.

I already been here, and as I observe it so far... I think this is the best place to set my future. 

Anyway, let's not talk about the school, but let's talk about my life as its student. If you are curious about my school, just click its link above (which I've already highlighted)

Here's some pics, start from my very first day.

My school gave us a special feature called 'English Fluency' to improve our English skill by following the class everyday. It took 2 weeks longer (If I'm not mistaken) and it was totally seize my holiday. Told ya. I just back from Bali and 2 weeks afterward, the school called me to join this class, while my SHS friends were enjoying their rest holiday. 

Those 2 gentlemen in the picture were my teacher during this 'English Fluency'. The first picture, his name is Bartek Chmielwski. He was from Poland. And the other one, his name is Geoff Thureson. He is a native speaker and was from Canada.

During this EF--well, I make it short, I met sooooo many new faces from many different place. For example my classmates, they are new for me. I seriously never met them before. 

At the first time, I was little bit scare if I couldn't make friend with them. But, Thank's God, as the time passed by, we are good friends now.

Unfortunately, we are separated now :( I don't know if it was only a temporary class. Some of them still be in a same class with me, but the other... They moved. 

There's no such an eternal meeting and there's no such an eternal separation.

Are you with me about this quotation? 

No matter where we are, we're still friends.

And... Beside founding a new class, I found new friends too. Here's my people, good friends in the society 

That is me, the one who took the selca. Behind me, that's Rina. She stays in a same boarding house with me. Beside her, there's Egga. And then, the one who's hugging the pole, that's Agus. Next to him, that's Al.

We're close enough and sometimes we hangout together.

*we're celebrating Rina's birthday at Mom Milk. Yep, we drank so much milk and fortunately, it was FREE, because Rina paid for us kekeke~*

Another activities...

We were doing outbond and kinda supporting something (?!)

*HEY! WE ARE THE PARSLEY CLASS! and we WON the supporter competition*

...because life's too short to worrying about uncertain things, so face the truth! 

Reality is beautiful!


Catch The Sun


Your brighter future is on the corner.

Don't wait! Go on and catch it. 

Like those wise men said, 'Your future is pure. Who cares about your past life?"

Life is about infinite possibilities, so that's why, I dare to do what I want to do. I bravely change my future plan, since I have to attend the university and I'm taking hospitality--which, I never think about it before. 

You are the only director of your life. So, if it's fail, you have the right to fix it by your own way.